Join us as we explore all things boobs. From inception to celebration we're boob lovers and we know you are too. And that's totally ok.

Breastimonials Diana Breastimonials Diana

Breastimonial: Bartender Confesses Free Boob Rubs

When I was a bartender, I’m not ashamed to admit that I used my voluptuous breasts to earn better tips. A bit of cleavage mixed with hard work and a happy smile was a lucrative combination for me. It would’ve been a waste not to take advantage of the gifts I’d been given.

When I was a bartender, I’m not ashamed to admit that I used my voluptuous breasts to earn better tips. A bit of cleavage mixed with hard work and a happy smile was a lucrative combination for me. It would’ve been a waste not to take advantage of the gifts I’d been given.

Busty bartender serving a drink

However there were times when having huge boobs and working in the service industry could be difficult. For instance when you’re carrying plates of food out to a table and you can’t see that your left breast is sitting in someone’s bbq sauce. Or when you lean in to pick up empty glasses and your right boob accidentally knocks over a full beer. The hardest part for me was having to maneuver my massive mounds around people on a crowded dance floor while balancing a tray full of heavy drinks in one hand.

German beer and boobs

I eventually learned to start using my free hand  to gently pinch someone’s waist which instantly got them moving. For those times when both hands were full or the person just wasn’t taking the hint I’d be forced to rub my boobs along their back, or side as I squeezed past them. Girls would always jump and move out of the way at the first hint of a breast on their back but men were different. Most men instinctively leaned into my boobs like needy cats as I grazed my chest across them. They always acted like they didn’t notice but we both knew what was going on. 

The worst was at crowded tables when I’d have to reach across everyone to hand the person at the end their drink or food. Most men were polite enough to lean out of the way so that I could move in without touching them but there was always one guy who played dumb and just sat there acting like he was too busy talking to notice the fact that my F cup breast was pushing into the back of his head. My coworkers would laugh and say I should start charging extra for the boob rubs, but I always got my revenge in the end. With a drink accidentally spilt in their lap or a whiskey coke that was all coke with just a drop of whiskey poured down the straw. 

Once in a while there would be a man that was so good looking or so nice I would go out of my way to graze my hardened nipples across his arm or shoulder. Our eyes would meet and I would say β€œpardon me sir” and then smile and walk away. Those free boob rubs were for my pleasure. After all there’s no point having a great rack if you don’t enjoy it!

waitress with big breasts
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History Culture Guest User History Culture Guest User

A Salute to the Iconic Playboy Bunny

Easter was here and while many people were busy filling baskets with pastel colored eggs and chocolate rabbits we thought it appropriate to spend this holiday celebrating our favorite bunny, the Playboy Bunny. So let’s hop into the enticing world of buxom bunnies.

Playboy Trio

Easter was here and while many people were busy filling baskets with pastel colored eggs and chocolate rabbits we thought it appropriate to spend this holiday celebrating our favorite bunny, the Playboy Bunny. So let’s hop into the enticing world of buxom bunnies.

Dolly Parton was the first country singer to pose for Playboy in 1978

In 1978 Dolly Parton became the first country singer to pose for Playboy

  • Famous for their sexual prowess and energetic mating habits, Hugh Hefner decided the rabbit was the perfect symbol for his newly launched Playboy magazine in 1953. A tuxedo was added to give the mascot an air of sophistication and one of the most recognizable brand logos was born.

Blonde in playboy suit
  • The Playboy Bunny as we know her today did not emerge until 1960 with the opening of the very first Playboy Club in Chicago. The female staff were originally meant to wear frilly nighties but Hef’s business partners were concerned that all that extra material would make it difficult for the girls to serve drinks and light cigarettes.

  • The first prototype was a basic bathing suit over a corset with some bunny ears and a tail. Not sexy enough, Hugh had the bikini line cut into a dramatic V shape that exposed the girl’s hip bones and elongated their legs. Eventually a man’s tuxedo collar, bow tie and cuffs were added to match the Playboy logo.

  • The uniform was a flattering design that harkened back to the 1950’s when women had hourglass figures and bullet bras

β€œThe costumes took girls with even average figures and made them look like they had amazing figures…not all Bunnies were bombshells. The suit made the Bunny, not the other way around.”
— Hugh Heffner
Playboy girls
  • In 1969 the original yarn bunny tail had to be replaced by one made of fire-retardant fur because the drunk patrons kept trying to light them on fire.

  • At the Chicago club some of the Bunnies were known to make up to $1,000 a week in cash tips in 1961. Today that would be over $9,000 a week!

β€œThe feminists used to say to us, β€˜You’re selling out. You’re being exploited.’ But we never felt that. We felt that we were the first women we knew that bought their own [apartments] as single women. To me, it was emancipation. It was empowering.”
— Former Bunny Trish Murphy
  • Although some Bunnies went on to become Playmates and pose for the magazine most of the girls worked at the clubs to put themselves through college or get started in their dream jobs. Model Lauren Hutton and singer Debbie Harry are both former Bunnies. Aretha Franklin started singing at the Playboy Club in Chicago when she was 18.

Old playboy girl photo

Lauren Hutton

Old playboy model

The lead singer of Blondie, Debbie Harry

Aretha Franklin as a Playboy Bunny

Aretha Franklin as a Playboy Bunny

β€œYou could reinvent yourself completely. You went from the schoolgirl to this glam person, and you could be anything. You could put on a French accent and call yourself FiFi. It was a way of discovering yourself and playing around…and exploring your sexuality.
— Former Bunny Kathryn Leigh Scott
Vintage playboy photo
  • The Playboy Club empire spanned the globe with locations all over the US, London, Japan and even Manilla. The last of the clubs closed in 1986 but the Playboy Bunny continues to live on at live events and on magazine covers.

Kate Moss

Kate Moss as a playboy bunny
The new Bunny Suit

The new Bunny Suit

For over sixty years the Playboy Bunny has been one the most iconic sex symbols in the world, shaping the fantasies of generations of fans. We think that deserves a standing ovation!

Grab your own bunny

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Video Games, History Culture Booby Pillows Video Games, History Culture Booby Pillows

The Science of Video Game Boobs Jiggle Physics

Imagine how much easier high school physics would have been if your teacher had used the example of a giant pair of breasts swinging back and forth to explain Newton’s first law of inertia. Well here at Booby Pillow we feel like it’s our duty not only to entertain you with bountiful boobies but also to educate you. So let's have a serious discussion about the science behind β€˜jiggle physics’.

Imagine how much easier high school physics would have been if your teacher had used the example of a giant pair of breasts swinging back and forth to explain Newton’s first law of inertia. Well here at Booby Pillow we feel like it’s our duty not only to entertain you with bountiful boobies but also to educate you. So let's have a serious discussion about the science behind β€˜jiggle physics’.  

Jiggle physics (English)


jiggle physics (uncountable)

  1. (video games) The art of portraying the bouncing or swaying of breasts on a 3D model.

Boobies jiggle

You may remember Mai Shiranui, who came in at number two on our list of the Ten Sexiest Video Game Vixens, as being the very first female character to feature bouncing boobies. Back in 1992 when video games were still 2D, the developers  of King of Fighters were the first to realize they could devote extra memory to Mai’s mesmerizing mammary glands because there were less characters on the screen at one time. As technology and games progressed into 3D the science of jiggle physics was born. 


How They Get Those Boobies Wobbling 

During the development stages of a video game each character is built from a model. The model is made up of a skeleton of β€˜bones’ that exist underneath the skin and clothing. Each bone is connected with a joint that gives it its range of motion. Even clothing and hair are rigged with the same spring loaded joints. Games with fewer characters or larger graphic engines can afford to devote more memory to their female character’s undulating lady bits. 


Some games may only have enough space for one joint to be programmed into the chest area. Resulting in two breasts that move in a uniform manner. But in games that have fewer characters or better engines the bosoms can have up to four joints in them allowing for individual movement and a far greater range of motion.

Physics of boobies jiggle


Multiple joints doesn’t necessarily  equal more realistic movements as many animators still struggle to depict the natural wobble and shake of a woman’s breast. But really jiggle physics is more about fueling the fantasy than being natural.  What’s reality got to do with a video game that features a character who battles demons from hell wearing nothing but a strapless bra?

Sexy videogame warrior with huge boobs


When an animator is working on the motion of a character’s breasts they have to consider:

  • Jiggle range- the maximum range of motion the joint is allowed to pivot

  • Duration of the Jiggle- the time is takes for the movement to be absorbed after the initial motion

  • Speed of the Jiggle- how fast and frequently each wave of force travels through each ta ta

Skyrim girl videogame bouncing boobs


The video game series Dead or Alive was the first to really capitalize on its bouncing beauties. Back in 2004 the game’s creator Tomonobu Itagaki caught a lot of slack for the amount of jiggle his female fighters had but he was unashamed of the fact. 

β€œI wanted to do something that would attract people’s attention as I worked on the DOA game. Of course, DOA is known for its bouncing breasts…when I applied Breast Physics to a 3D game, it was almost too much for people.”
— Tomonobu Itagaki


The DOA developers also coined the expression β€˜Breast Physics’ and were the first to give players the ability to customize the amount of jiggle their characters had which was a huge selling point for the series. They eventually went on to release a game that is now infamous for having the most blatant use of jiggle physics ever made, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Which features only female characters on a tropical Island playing beach volleyball and wearing tiny bikinis that often experience wardrobe malfunctions. It was never released in the US but there are plenty of hilarious clips of it on YouTube.

Dead or alive beach volleyball bouncy boobs
  • Sure the game features gratuitous use of jiggle physics as the girls jump up and down in their barely there bikinis but is that really any worse than the amount of gratuitous violence most video games have? 


After DOA popularized the β€˜breast slider’ many games started allowing their players to choose the size and amount of bounce for their female characters. Even games that choose to tone down their jiggle physics often have mods that the players can add to alter the wobble themselves. A lot of people complain that the constant bouncing distracts from playing the game. To which we say, if you can’t focus on the ax wielding murderer in front of you because her gargantuan boobs are bursting out of her armoured corset, then that’s survival of the fittest. A true warrior uses every weapon they have to defeat their opponent,  including their fun bags.  

Character creation videogames


Some developers are even turning their attention towards male jiggle physics or shall we say β€˜dangle’ physics. Conan Exiles is a step towards equality in that yes you can manipulate the size of your female character’s breast but you can also endow your male character with a dong the size of an elephant trunk. Then marvel as he runs around the desert naked squatting and jumping with a perfect range of dangle motion. Makes one wonder how many gym locker rooms the animators had to frequent to get that tea bag effect just right?


As booby aficionados we appreciate any science that brings us more tantalizing bounces and titillating wobbles. If you feel like you need to do some more research on this fascinating subject, here's a video of Xtreme Beach Volleyball’s wardrobe malfunctions. Happy bouncing!

Wanna Keep Jiggling?

Grab a pair of these biggies

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Breastimonials Lai Breastimonials Lai

Breastimonial: Swimsuit shopping with BIG Boobs

Don’t get me wrong, I love the way my boobs look in a bathing suit, especially a classic string bikini which I think is the sexiest thing a woman can wear. Unfortunately while I may love an itsy bitsy teeny weeny string bikini my neck does not.

I love my big breasts but there are a few occasions when I do have small breast envy. Ya that’s a thing. We always want what we don’t have, especially when it’s time to buy a new bikini. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way my boobs look in a bathing suit, especially a classic string bikini which I think is the sexiest thing a woman can wear. Unfortunately while I may love an itsy bitsy teeny weeny string bikini my neck does not. Imagine trying to carry two four pound weights tied to a thin piece of string wrapped around your neck. Doesn’t sound like much fun does it?

Shopping for swimsuits when you’re big breasted is a nightmare. The tops are never the right size or have enough support. Even my beloved triangle tops rarely have enough fabric to actually cradle my boobs properly. I dream of diving into in a pool and not coming out of the water topless. I know that’s the opposite of what you probably dream about. Don’t even get me started on the amount of times I’ve gone surfing and stood up on my board in front of a crowded beach only to realize that my top didn’t stand up with me.

What women really need are swimsuit shops that label their suits by category and sell all pieces separately because while I may have some beautiful curvaceous breasts I have the ass and hips of a twelve year old boy, so I can’t buy tops and bottoms together.

If I owned a bathing suit shop here’s how I would arrange things.

  • All tops and bottoms sold separately and tops labeled by bra size. I’ve tried on XXL triangle tops that didn’t even cover my nipples. A bikini label can be very misleading.

  • There would be a mix of patterns and solid colors so that mixing and matching different bottoms to different tops can be easy. I’m always looking for a versatile bottom that goes with a lot of different tops, that’s what he said!

  • Suits arranged by functionality: Meaning all suits that have more support for those of us who like to play beach volleyball without having a nipple slip out or being in extreme pain every time we jump up for a spike should be put into a sporting category. If they can do it for dog shows they can do it for bathing suits.

  • Suits that are barely there for those times when all you want to do is expose as much skin as possible while laying by the pool and sipping margaritas, can be in the tanning section.

  • One pieces for those competition swimmers out there who like to feel as sleek as a dolphin while slicing through the water.

  • And an all purpose section where suits expose as much skin as possible while still supporting your breasts in a sexy way and preventing nipple exposure (which really for me, would be the holy grail of swimsuits.) Sort of like a luxury swimsuit SUV.

Shopping for bikinis doesn’t have to be a nightmare, it should be fun. If you’re buying a bathing suit it means you must be about to do something involving fun, sun and water. What’s better than that?

What about you? Do you have a story of seeing this happen to you or someone you know? Share in the comments!

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History Culture Booby Pillows History Culture Booby Pillows

Top 10 Silly Boobs Shaped Gifts Collection

We’re not the only ones out there who love breasts. We’ve found a whole bunch of amazing boob shaped gifts that make it really fun to show your booby pride! That includes boobs shaped mugs, plush toys, soap, candles, jewelry, beanies and even scarfs!

We love boobs so much that we decided to make the world’s best boob shaped pillow. But we’re not the only ones out there who love breasts. We live in a world where our fascination with breasts is engrained in every part of our culture. We’ve found a whole bunch of amazing boob shaped gifts that make it really fun to show your booby pride!

#1 The Tits Shaped Mug

An ideal mug for those crazy bachelor parties, parties and celebrations full of jokes, because life does not have to be taken so seriously. There is nothing better than getting up in the morning and sipping your coffee or juice from a boob.

These realistic breast mugs hold up to 13oz and even come pierced for an extra bit of excitement.

Tits cup

#2 Breast Shaped Plush Organ Toys

Share your mammary with someone you love with this one of a kind plush booby toy.

Cozy and adorable, this super-soft stuffed breast makes for the perfect gift for someone who needs a little boob boost in their life.

This 8 x 6 inch stuffed breast will comfort you with soft plush material while putting a smile on that wonderful face of yours

peluche 1.jpg

#3 Boobs Shaped Soap

This is a fun gag gift for that special guy (or gal) bachelor/bachelorette party favor, birthday party gift or just because. The soap is a gentle Moroccan Argon soap that is extremely mild, moisturizing and gentle even on sensitive skin.

#4 The Titty Shaped Candle

These amazing candles are miniature works of art and they smell delicious! Anyone who sees them becomes obsessed. Modelled on several different body types these candles are made from all natural ingredients and are an homage to the beauty of the female from.

#5 The Booby Necklace

This beautiful necklace is the perfect gift for her. All boob necklaces are made with either gold or sterling silver. This unique and stylish necklace celebrates boobs in all their glory.

#6 Booby Earrings

Once you get your awesome boob necklace you’re going to need a matching set of booby earrings to go with it. These fun busty earrings come in both silver and gold and you’re gonna love them.

 #7 Breast Shaped Beanie Hat

A hand crocheted hat for your little one to wear! It doesn’t get any more adorable than that. Show your breastfeeding pride with a little humor! The perfect baby shower gift.

Booby Baby

#8 The Boobs Shaped Scarf

Do you want the perfect birthday or bachelor/bachelorette party gift? Then this handmade knitted scarf complete with two well endowed breasts is the product for you! Great quality and creativity. Without dyes, non-toxic and odorless. This scarf is 100% handmade with love.

#9 Breasts Shaped Kettlebells

Ok, we’re actually kinda jealous we didn’t think about this one ourselves. I mean just look at these gorgeous pair of weights. The idea of building up muscle by carrying a heavy pair of jugs is a dream come true. Staring at these should provide plenty of motivation to work out.

#10 Forehead Tittaes

Last but not least is our top most amazing favorite product on this list. The Forehead Tittaes is a hilarious product we wish actually existed. In this Funny or Die classic Oscar winner Marion Cotillard introduces a new product to help women be taken more seriously in the workplace. You gotta see this to believe it!

Oscar winner Marion Cotillard introduces a new product to help women be taken more seriously in the workplace

Head on over to the store and grab the best

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of March. Lady Gaga, Fergie, Shannon Tweed and Leslie Mann

It’s March which means green beer and the luck of the Irish, St Patrick’s Day is almost here. We’re feeling especially lucky right now because we love looking at lovely lady lumps and this month’s got some good ones. From diva pop singers to a Playboy bunny, March is bursting with some breastastic boobs birthdays. Happy Birthday to Lady Gaga, Fergie, Shannon Tweed and Leslie Mann!

It’s March which means green beer and the luck of the Irish, St Patrick’s Day is almost here. We’re feeling especially lucky right now because we love looking at lovely lady lumps and this month’s got some good ones. From diva pop singers to a Playboy bunny, March is bursting with some breastastic boobs birthdays.

Lady Gaga topless

Lady Gaga

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was born on March 28, 1986, in Yonkers, New York. The singer and actress now known as Lady Gaga (the inspiration for her name came from the Queen song "Radio Ga-Ga") is one of the world’s best selling music artists.

Gaga has become a cultural icon, known for her fearless fashion sense and her ability to champion marginalized groups. Lady Gaga has talked openly about her body issues and defended an artist’s right to bare their bodies, even posing nude herself in V Magazine. β€œI’m really proud of myself that I could take my clothes off and take my makeup off and just be there, because since I was 11 years old I didn’t feel like I could.”

Not just a talented singer and song writer, Lady Gaga also won a Golden Globe for role in American Horror Story: Hotel, starred opposite Bradley Copper in A Star Is Born and played the infamous Patrizia Reggiani in Ridley Scott’s House Of Gucci. We can’t wait to see what this megastar does next.

β€œI’ve always been famous, it’s just no one knew it yet”
— Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga rocker
β€œYou define beauty yourself, society doesn’t define your beauty”
— Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga in white lace lingerie
β€œDo not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on”
— Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga cover
β€œThey can’t scare me, if I scare them first.”
— Lady Gaga



Born Stacy Ann Ferguson on March 27, 1975, in Hacienda Heights, California, singer-songwriter Fergie was a member of the popular hip-hop/rock group the Black Eyed Peas as well as a successful solo artist

Fergie started out as an actress, appearing in commercials and doing voice work before joining the cast of Kids Incorporated in 1984. In 2001 she joined β€˜the Black Eyed Peas’ and her career really took off. The group went on to the sell millions of albums worldwide and win several Grammy’s. The song β€œMy Humps” was released in 2005 and skyrocketed Fergie to fame for singing about her lovely lady lumps.

People’s magazine in 2004 selected Fergie as one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world and we agree. We love her curvaceous body and bold attitude.

β€œI have learned more and more to enjoy my body when I have a few extra pounds on, just being more voluptuous. I say, focus on the body part that you feel most comfortable about.”
— Fergie
Fergie running at the beach
β€œI’m very ambitious, but I also love myself - which means I try to take care of myself.”
— Fergie
β€œWearing nice lingerie makes me feel really glamorous. I love to splurge on that.”
— Fergie
Fergie in leather lingerie
β€œYou know, I’m a curvy woman and I just want to be comfortable with that”
— Fergie


Shannon Tweed

 Shannon Lee Tweed Simmons (born March 10, 1957) is a Canadian actress, model, Playboy Bunny and film producer. This six foot tall Canadian Amazon has guest starred in countless sitcoms from β€˜Murder, She Wrote’ to β€˜Frasier’ and everything in-between. She’s also the queen of the erotic thriller and a soap opera regular. Shannon is married to Gene Simmons, bassist and co-lead singer of the band Kiss.

Shannon underwent a breast enhancement surgery at the age of 20 before embarking on a modelling career. Her dream to pose for β€˜Playboy’ magazine was fulfilled when the TV series β€˜Thrill of a Lifetime’ arranged for her to model for the famous magazine. She was named Playmate of the Year in 1982.

Shannon met her future husband at the Playboy mansion and the couple started dating in 1983. Gene waited twenty eight years before finally proposing and the couple were married in 2011 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The televised wedding brought huge ratings to their reality tv show β€˜Gene Simmons Family Jewels’ which aired from 2006-2012.

β€œI have beauty, intelligence, individuality, sensuality and sexuality.”
— Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed in lingerie
β€œEverything I do I’ve done before everyone was ready for it. Now Playboy’s like ho hum. Back then everybody disowned me, nobody was my friend anymore- people were embarrassed to do lingerie catalogues. But I was like, I’m not going to stand here and be a waitress for the rest of my life. I had to make a move.”
— Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed nipple out
β€œYou can still be strong and be feminine.”
— Shannon Tweed
Shannon Tweed in blue lingerie
β€œI realize I can never take my success for granted. It’s not attractive for anyone to be like that. ”
— Shannon Tweed

Leslie Mann at a red carpet

Leslie Mann

Leslie Mann was born on 26 March 1972, in San Francisco, Ca. Mann began her career at 18, appearing in a number of television commercials. In 1996, she appeared in The Cable Guy, followed with performances in Freaks & Geeks, Sam Weisman's George of The Jungle alongside Brendan Fraser, Big Daddy with Adam Sandler, Orange County opposite Jack Black, and The 40-Year-Old Virgin with Steve Carell. In 2007, Mann starred alongside Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd in Judd Apatow's comedy Knocked Up, which grossed more than $218 million worldwide.

It was on the set of Cable Guy were Leslie met her husband, writer, director, producer Judd Apatow. The couple have been married for over twenty years and have two daughters Maude and Iris. We salute this funny lady for not being afraid to laugh at herself and for being such a hot MILF!

β€œAlong with age comes more confidence, so it kind of works out.”
— Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann at the beach
β€œMen. We love them. We respect them. But we rarely get to objectify them.”
— Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann with short hair
β€œI’d never want to go back to being in my twenties or thirties. I was lost and confused and uncomfortable in my own skin.”
— Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann at the beach
β€œI feel very protective of younger actresses, because it was so hard for me in the business.”
— Leslie Mann

Happy birthday to all of these incredibly talented and beautiful ladies. We’ll see you next month with our next batch of boobs birthdays.

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History Culture, Video Games Guest User History Culture, Video Games Guest User

The Sexiest Video Game Vixens battle It Out

We’ll never get tired of discussing the amazing assets of actresses and supermodels. But this wouldn’t be a boob blog if we didn’t mention the fact that there’s a whole other universe out there filled with beautiful women running around in bikinis firing rocket launchers. We’re talking about the gaming universe and it’s time to celebrate all that we love about our favorite female video game bombshells. From sexy demons to lady ninjas let’s dive face first into the gravity defying bosoms of these lethal vixens.

Booby Pillow Video Gamer Vixen

We’ll never get tired of discussing the amazing assets of actresses and supermodels. But this wouldn’t be a boob blog if we didn’t mention the fact that there’s a whole other universe out there filled with beautiful women running around in bikinis firing rocket launchers. We’re talking about the gaming universe and it’s time to celebrate all that we love about our favorite female video game bombshells. From sexy demons to lady ninjas let’s dive face first into the gravity defying bosoms of these lethal vixens. 

#10 Isabela- Dragon Age II

Isabela Pirate Queen

Coming in at number ten on our list is sexy Isabela, the pirate queen from Dragon Age II. Who doesn’t love a busty pirate wench in thigh high cavalier boots? Isabela’s character is sassy, debaucherous and fun. Not only is she a roaring good time but also a kick ass dueler who can be a love interest for both the male and female protagonist. Say what? A beautiful rogue who goes both ways definitely deserves a spot on this list. 

#9 Kaine- NieR

Kaine sexy character

With her insane fighting skills and unique backstory, this hot tempered intersex half-human half shade captures our hearts. She swears like a sailor while running around destroying her enemies in skimpy lingerie and black kitten heels. Kaine makes mummy bandages look hot and cracks us up everytime she starts running her trucker mouth.

#8 Camilla- Fire Emblem Series

Camilla sexy videogame

Two words: Armored Corset! Camilla is famous for being one of the bustiest characters in the gaming universe. This elegant and sultry babe is also a ruthless and bloodthirsty warrior who likes to store important items in her massive cleavage. We love making her pull things out of her storage chest. Where’s that darn map? We also enjoy it when the player runs into and bounces off her bountiful boobs.

#7 Rayne- Bloodrayne

Rayne in bloodrayne

This alluring red headed dhampir (half vampire half human) is the main protagonist of the Bloodrayne series. She is sadistically seductive in her black and red leather dominatrix outfit. We love her bold snarky attitude and fondness for profanity. Not to mention her terrifyingly lethal tendencies. This one likes to play with her victims first, and derives pleasure from seeing their fear and pain. She makes our blood run hot and cold at the same time. 

#6 Morrigan Aensland- Darkstalkers


Everyone’s favorite succubus. We’re not the only ones bewitched by this sultry seductress, Morrigan has millions of fans worldwide. With her beauty, confidence and sexy playful nature, she’s become Darkstalkers most famous character. Morrigan has surpassed her video game origins and is now one of Japan’s most recognizable characters. Spawning a whole host of succubi media, manga, pornographic films and animated series. Her signature green hair, ample bosom and purple tights can be seen all over the cosplay world and we like it. 

#5 Chun Li- Streetfighter

No list would be complete without paying respects to the very first female character in a fighting video game. Chun Li has been using those sexy thighs to kick butt since 1991. Countless boys have gone to bed staring at posters of Chun Li on their walls in her cute little qipao dress and matching buns. This courageous Interpol officer will always be our first video game crush. 

#4 Ivy Valentine- Soul Calibur

Ivy Valentine videogame with huge boobs

Ivy Valentine’s breasts are so big they’ve become infamous. Many critics claim that video games have gone too far, and the breast sizes are getting indecent. Namco’s response?  Make em bigger and run an ad campaign featuring nothing but an image of her glorious cleavage and the words β€œGo big, or go home!” written in Japanese across her chest. This busty combatant takes some serious skill to play though and is more than just her skimpy bondage gear and voluminous breasts. Ivy’s a fierce fighter with Machiavellian tendencies. 

# 3 Quiet- Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain

Quiet- Metal Gear Solid

This elite assassin doesn’t need words to enthrall us. Sure there are bigger racks out there but Quiet’s ability to murder while dressed only in combat boots and a black bikini have earned her a top spot on this list. Just watch her playfully rolling around in the rain or taking a shower  and you’ll be just as obsessed as we are. Quiet may be silent, but she sure is deadly. 

#2 Mai Shiranui- The King of Fighters

Mai Shiranui

The β€˜Knockout’ Ninja has been hypnotizing us with her signature β€˜kunoichi’ or bouncing fighting style since 1992. Mai has become one of the absolute most popular female characters in the fighting game genre worldwide. This cheerful yet temperamental ninja was the first to feature floating boobs. Something that has been highly criticized over the years. Not by us, or any of her legions of loyal fans who threatened to boycott King of Fighters when they thought to release a version of the game without her. Thousands responded by chanting β€œNo Mai No Buy!” and we agree. 

#1 Lara Croft- Tomb Raider

Lara Croft
Lara Croft breasts evolution

By today’s standards Lara Croft may not seem that well endowed but back in 1996 when Tomb Raider first came into our lives, she was the epitome of female sexuality. Proving that a tight tank top and pair of short shorts can be just as titulating as bondage gear. There’s no denying her spot at number one. Lara Croft has graced the cover of more magazines than any supermodel or actress and is by far the most successful selling female video game heroine of all time. This adventuring archeologist has raided our dreams and stolen our hearts!

We spent many difficult hours playing with these women trying to decide who should be on the list. Who’s your favorite?

Didn't see your favorite video game bombshell? Leave a comment below and tell us who we missed and why. 

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Health and Wellness Guest User Health and Wellness Guest User

Treat Yourself to Some β€˜Love Hormone’ This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be filled with frantic last minute dinner reservations or dreaded unfulfilled expectations. All that really matters is being happy and healthy. Which is why this Valentine’s Day we want to celebrate the β€˜love hormone’ oxytocin and all of its incredible health benefits.

Treat yourself

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be filled with frantic last minute dinner reservations or dreaded unfulfilled expectations. All that really matters is being happy and healthy. Which is why this Valentine’s Day we want to celebrate the β€˜love hormone’ oxytocin and all of its incredible health benefits.

In one of our previous blog posts we talked about how looking at and touching a beautiful pair of boobs lowers stress and releases oxytocin. Now we want to dive deep into the many health benefits of  the β€˜love hormone’ itself and why it’s so important. 

Sexy brunette

Oxytocin is a hormone and neurotransmitter that is released when our bodies experience moments of pleasure like playing with a beloved pet, hugging someone or during orgasm. Women also experience a rush of oxytocin while giving birth and breastfeeding. The act of a mother holding her newborn infant to her breast is an extremely important stage in a child’s development. Both mother and child are bathed in oxytocin which forms an intense bond of attachment that allows the child to feel safe and secure.  These same feelings and bonds occur when a couple embraces and spends time cuddling which is why oxytocin is also referred to as the β€˜cuddle’ or β€˜trust’ hormone.

Oxytocin isn’t just about pleasure though, it also affects our emotions and response to anxiety. A Medical News Today article from 2017, states β€œthat the hormone’s impact on β€˜pro-social behaviors’ and emotional responses contributes to relaxation, trust and psychological stability.” It helps regulate the way we respond to stress and anger by stopping us from feeling overwhelmed and insecure. As a medication oxytocin is used to treat depression, help with anger management and even irritable bowel syndrome by relaxing inflamed intestines.

Boy with beanie

Its ability to improve people’s self esteem in social situations helps those who suffer from social anxiety. By encouraging β€œpersonality traits such as warmth, trust, altruism and openness” relationship building becomes easier and more impactful. One 2013 PNAS study even β€œsuggested that oxytocin may help keep men faithful to their partners by activating the reward centers in the brain.” Basically oxytocin is a superhero out to save humanity.

So how can you get your hands on some?  Well you can play with your dog, cuddle with your partner, have more orgasms or start hugging people again. Don’t worry if not all of these options are available there’s still another way. Studies have shown that even hugging inanimate objects such as teddy bears and pillows can have the same oxytocin inducing effects as hugging a real person. Scientists have also found that when people are distressed they respond best to soft textures. Which means when you combine the pleasures of hugging a plush booby shaped memory foam pillow you receive the ultimate dose of stress reducing and anxiety soothing oxytocin. 

Girl with fuzzy pillow

So instead of spending this Valentine’s Day fighting over the last table at the Cheesecake Factory, celebrate the true essence of the day by cuddling up to your loved one or beloved Booby Pillow. Basking in the comforting release of oxytocin will lower your blood pressure, alleviate your irritable bowels, boost your self esteem, make you more trusting and kind, reduce anxiety, dissolve anger and even make you a more faithful partner. You could say we’re also doing our part to save humanity :)

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of October. Candice Swanepoel, Gabrielle Union, Gwen Stefani and Julia Roberts

Happy Halloween! It’s a Spooky day but these ladies keep us feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s check out this month’s lovely ladies and wish them a very happy Booby Birthday Month. This month we celebrate Candice Swanepoel, Gabrielle Union, Gwen Stefani and Julia Roberts. Happy Birthday!

Happy Halloween! It’s a Spooky day but these ladies keep us feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s check out this month’s lovely ladies and wish them a very happy Booby Birthday Month.

Candice Swanepoel modelling VS

Candice Susan Swanepoel

Born 20 October 1988 in Mooi River, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, Candice is known for her Victoria's Secret modeling.

She became a Victoria's Secret Angel in 2010 and is still contracted with the brand. She’s the first South African model to join Victoria’s Secret. In 2016, she was listed 8th on the Forbes top-earning models list.

The good-looking model graces her body perfectly everywhere she goes. The model stands slim and fair with a height of 5 ft 9 1⁄2 inches weighing 54 kg. Even more, she looks marvelous with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her body measurements are of 34-23-34 inches. Furthermore, her bra size is 32B.

With her appearance as a model, Candice Swanepoel’s amassed quite a considerable amount of fortune throughout her career. As of now, Candice Swanepoel estimated net worth is $25 Million.

β€œI have always been very comfortable in little clothing; it’s part of my job.
— Candice Swanepoel
Candice Swanepoel
β€œBeing confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too.”
— Candice Swanepoel
Candice Swanepoel VS runway
β€œI want to live my life naked, with all my little naked kids naked in the garden.
— Candice Swanepoel
β€œYour body is a machine. Learn the right way to take care of it.
— Candice Susan Swanepoel

Gabrielle Union Breasts


Gabrielle Monique Union was born October 29, 1972. She is a Haitian American actress who began her career in the 1990s, appearing on television sitcoms. Her breakthrough role was in the 2000 film Bring It On.

She landed her first leading role in the 2003 film β€˜Deliver Us from Eva’ in which she acted opposite rapper LL Cool J. In 2003, she landed the part of Will Smith’s character’s girlfriend in the film β€˜Bad Boys 2’.

In April 2017, Union announced her first book, a memoir, entitled We're Going to Need More Wine. In December 2017, We're Going to Need More Wine was named a Best Book of the Year by a Black Author by The Root magazine. 

Happy Birthday!

β€œβ€œYou can love what you see in the mirror, but you can’t self-esteem your way out of the way the world treats you.””
— Gabriell Union
Gabrielle Union no clothes
β€œA lot of women seem to think the way to ingratiate themselves is to put down other women or backstab. That’s the quickest way to be eliminated from my life - try that with me, and you’re out”
— Gabriell Union
Gabrielle Union without clothes
β€œWe all have to let go of the Prince Charming complex and realize he doesn’t necessarily exist in the package we assume he’ll come in”
— Gabriell Union
Gabrielle Union by the pool
β€œAnd anything I have accomplished, I did so not in spite of being a black woman, but because I am a black woman”
— Gabriell Union


Gwen Stefani

Gwen RenΓ©e Stefani is an American singer-songwriter, fashion designer, and actress. Stefani was born on October 3, 1969, in Fullerton, California. She was the lead vocalist for the rock band, No Doubt with whom she released three albums before deciding to go solo. β€˜Love. Angel. Music. Baby.’, her first solo album was inspired by music of the 1980s. Moreover, she worked with the rapper Eve that produced "Let Me Blow Ya Mind," for all of which she has become the first artist in history to win both Best Male Video and Best Female Video awards at the 2001 MTV VMAs.

Stefani earned a Grammy Award nomination for her duet with Akon on the album's title track. Including her work with No Doubt, she has sold more than forty million albums worldwide. She has diversified her career with her clothing and accessories lines, L.A.M.B. and Harajuku Lovers. She has been referred to as "the new Madonna" by publications such as β€˜The Hollywood Reporter’ and β€˜People’. Her red lips, platinum blond hair and dark eyes make her very attractive, and her natural good look is enhanced by her stylish dress sense. Billboard magazine ranked Stefani the fifty-fourth most successful artist and thirty-seventh most successful Hot 100 artist of the last decade.

Happy Birthday Gwen!

β€œMy songs are basically my diaries. Some of my best songwriting has come out of time when I’ve been going through a personal nightmare.”
— Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani
β€œBorn to blossom, bloom to perish”
— Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani
β€œI wish I could write more make-believe. It’s a lot easier to write about hard times and when things are going wrong. But I’ve never been a private person.
— Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani judge
β€œAct as young as you feel. You’re not getting older; you’re getting more entitled to be your fabulous self”
— Gwen Stefani

Julia Roberts photoshoot

Julia Roberts

Julia was born on October 28, 1967, in Smyrna, Georgia. She made her screen debut in the late 1980s television series Crime Story and later starred in Steel Magnolias in 1989, earning an Academy Award. One of her most iconic roles was in Pretty Woman (1990), with Richard Gere. For her convincing performance, Roberts received an Academy Award nomination for best actress. Roberts eventually went on to win an Oscar for her lead role in Erin Brockovich (2001). She is known for being one of the highest-paid actors and biggest box-office earners in Hollywood.

Julia has been romantically linked with several actors, and married cinematographer Daniel Moder in 2002; the couple has three children together.

Julia has also become involved with UNICEF charities and has made visits to many different countries, including Haiti and India, in order to promote goodwill. Julia Robert remains one of the most popular and sought-after talents in Hollywood.

Happy Birthday Julia!

β€œI’m just an ordinary person who has an extraordinary job.
— Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
β€œIt’s funny when people say, β€˜I don’t think Julia likes me.’ Honey, if I don’t like you, you’re going to know about it.”
— Julia Roberts
β€œI wouldn’t do nudity in films. For me, personally... To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary.”
— Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts on film
β€œI’ve never had to pretend to be having sex with somebody. I’m like the queen of the foreplay dissolve.
— Julia Roberts


Β‘Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month with more boobs birthdays!

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of September. Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Salma Hayek and Beyonce

We love Boobs and so do you. That’s one of the reasons we love writing our monthly Boobs Birthday Newsletter where we celebrate some of the Breastiest Ladies on Earth. They’ve been gifted with amazing looks and fantastic bosoms and we love wishing them a very happy birthday month. So let’s get started!

We love Boobs and so do you. That’s one of the reasons we love writing our monthly Boobs Birthday Newsletter where we celebrate some of the Breastiest Ladies on Earth. They’ve been gifted with amazing looks and fantastic bosoms and we love wishing them a very happy birthday month. So let’s get started!

Sophia Loren Breasts

Sophia Loren

Sofia Villani Scicolone, known professionally as Sophia Loren, is an Italian actress and one of the sexiest women of all time. She was born September 20th, 1934. During the 1960s she starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols. She was named by the American Film Institute as the 21st greatest female star of Classic Hollywood Cinema.

After entering a beauty pageant Loren began her film career at age 16 after being encouraged to enroll in acting lessons. She appeared in several bit parts and minor roles in the early part of the decade. But she launched her international career after signing a five-picture contract with Paramount in 1956. Her film appearances around this time include The Pride and the Passion, Houseboat, and It Started in Naples.

Loren's performance as Cesira in the movie Two Women (1961) earned her the Academy Award for Best Actress, making her the first actor or actress to win an Oscar for a foreign-language performance. Sophia has won five special Golden Globes (including the Cecil B. DeMille Award), a BAFTA Award, a Laurel Award, a Grammy Award, the Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival and the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival. Then In 1991, she received the Academy Honorary Award for lifetime achievements.

Needless to say Sophia is one of a kind! Happy Birthday!

β€œEverything you see I owe to spaghetti.”
— Sophia Loren
young Sophia Loren
β€œNothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”
— Sophia Loren
β€œA woman’s dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view”
— Sophia Loren
β€œBeauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
— Sophia Loren

Monica Bellucci sexy photoshoot

Monica Bellucci

More Italian Beauties! Monica, also an Italian actress and model is one of those women that just stops you dead in your tracks with her timeless looks. Monica was born September 30th in 1964 in CittΓ  di Castello, Umbria. She began her career as a fashion model and has worked for Dolce & Gabbana and Dior. From there her career evolved to Italian films and later American and French films.

Monica began modelling at age 13 by posing for a local photo enthusiast. Later at the age of 24 she left the Faculty of Law at the University of Perugia and moved to one of Europe's fashion centers, Milan, where she signed with Elite Model Management. And just a year later in 1989 she was becoming prominent as a fashion model in Paris and across the Atlantic, in New York City.

Many will recognize her from her dramatic and sexy role in the Matrix movies. See the video below :)

Monica Bellucci is regularly at the top of the lists of the most beautiful women in the world, and she has been recognized as such for several decades in a row. We are honored to include her in this month’s Birthday list.

Happy birthday, Monica!

β€œA woman has so many facets, and when you create an image, you have to play with all the different moments of your femininity, not just one thing, because everybody can get bored.”
— Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci soft lingerie
β€œWe should not be worried about age when it comes to love and attraction.”
— Monica Bellucci
β€œFor me, true beauty has nothing to do with wrinkles and everything to do with the fact that my maternal grandmother raised five children just after the war and remained a fighter throughout her life. ”
— Monica Bellucci
Monica Bellucci movie
β€œBeauty is a gift, just like good health or intelligence. The only thing is not to be proud of being beautiful. Because you didn’t do anything - it was given to you.”
— Monica Bellucci

young Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek

Salma was born September 2, 1966 in Veracruz Mexico. She’s appeared in countless international films as well as Mexican TV shows. Her acting career began in 1989 when she appeared in her first Mexican Soap Opera Teresa. Her career later really took off when she appeared in the films Desperado in 1995 followed by From Dusk till Dawn in 1996 and then Wild Wild West and Dogma in 1999.

But her breakthrough performance was revealed in the 2002 biographical firm Frida which she co-produced to pay homage to the world famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. Her role in the film earned her the first ever Academy Award for Best Actress nomination of a Mexican actress. See the video below.

Salma is a gorgeous woman who’s been gracing the screen with her beauty and we are honored to wish her a very happy birthday month.

Happy Birthday, Salma!

β€œMy driving abilities from Mexico have helped me get through Hollywood.”
— Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek in a butterfly top
β€œSome men have a silly theory about beautiful women - that somewhere along the line they’ll turn into a monster. That movie [The Little Things] gave them a chance to watch it happen.”
— Salma Hayek
Art by Larreks on Deviantart
β€œLife is tough, and if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it.”
— Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek at the beach
β€œYou can be a thousand different women. It’s your choice which one you want to be. It’s about freedom and sovereignty. You celebrate who you are. You say, β€˜This is my kingdom.”
— Salma Hayek

Beyonce in a musical video


Beyonce is a world famous super star with a net worth of over $400 Million. She was born September 4th, 1981 in Houston, Texas. Growing up she appeared in numerous singing and dancing competitions and in the late 1990s she hit the big time as the lead singer for Destiny’s Child - one of the best-selling girl groups of all time. Following the breakup of the band in 2006, Beyonce released her second solo album, B’Day with hit singles Irreplaceable and Beautiful Liar.

Beyonce’s film career has also been successful with roles in Pink Panther in 2006, Dreamgirls in 2006, Obsessed in 2009 and The Lion King in 2019.

Beyonce is married to mega star Jay-Z and the dynamic duo have three children together.

Beyonce is one of the world’s most popular recording artists with over 118 million records sold worldwide. She’s won 28 Grammy Awards, 26 MTV Awards, 24 NAACP Image Awards, 31 BET Awards and 17 Soul Train Music Awards.

Without a doubt Beyonce is one of the most talented and sexy women ever. And we’re excited to wish her the best in her birthday month.

Happy Birthday, Beyonce!

β€œThe most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.”
— Beyonce
Beyonce on a show
β€œWe all have our imperfections. But I’m human, and you know, it’s important to concentrate on other qualities besides outer beauty.”
— Beyonce
β€œPower is not given to you. You have to take it.”
— Beyonce
β€œDon’t try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you.”
— Beyonce


Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And in the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of August. Charlotte McKinney, Madonna, Kylie Jenner and Demi Lovato

It’s our favorite time of the month! Welcome to a brand new issue of our monthly Boobs Birthday Newsletter where we take a moment to wish some beautiful ladies a happy birthday - and take a moment to admire their beauty. We love boobs and we think these women deserve some admiration for sharing their gifts with the rest of the world. This month is full of icons so get ready.

It’s our favorite time of the month! Welcome to a brand new issue of our monthly Boobs Birthday Newsletter where we take a moment to wish some beautiful ladies a happy birthday - and take a moment to admire their beauty. We love boobs and we think these women deserve some admiration for sharing their gifts with the rest of the world. This month is full of icons so get ready.

Charlotte McKinney

First up is the ultra sexy Charlotte McKinney. Have you heard of her? If not, then you should get to know her…because there’s few women in the world more perfectly suited to show the world what amazing breasts look like. Born August 6th in Florida Charlotte describes herself as a curvier model with big boobs. It wasn’t easy getting modeling jobs when she started out, so she did what many have had to do and turned to social media instead. Soon she became Insta-famous for her amazing looks. But once she appeared in the Super Bowl commercial for Carl’s Jr. the whole world took notice. The commercial aired during Super Bowl XLIX in 2015 and soon went viral.

She later graced the covers of numerous magazines and had roles in several movies and TV shows. Now she has her own lingerie brand called Charlotte McKinney x Wolf & Whistle which makes sexy garments for women with bigger breasts.

Happy Birthday, Charlotte!

β€œDon’t be afraid to go up to the hot girl on the beach.”
— Charlotte McKinney
Charlotte McKinney nude
β€œI’m only 5 ft. 7 in. tall, and for modelling, that’s small, so I wasn’t getting signed, but I kept on pushing.”
— Charlotte McKinney
β€œI’m not interested in just being the hot girl. I’m really goofy, and I love laughing, and that’s such a big part of who I am.”
— Charlotte McKinney
Charlote McKinney beach photo session

Madonna in lingerie


The one, the only, the ultimate icon….. Madonna!

Where to even begin? Entire books have been written about her. This is a woman who defies any stereotype and has created a one of a kind image and impact on the world. She’s rocked us with her music and shocked us with her sexuality. Born August 16th in Michigan, Madonna grew up knowing she wanted to be a star.

At the age of 20 she moved to New York to start a career centered around her love of dance by focusing on modern dance. That led her into the broader world of entertainment and a couple years later she was performing in bands as a drummer, guitarist and of course as a vocalist. Then in 1983 she released her first solo album titled Madonna. And just a year later she broke out onto the global stage with her iconic album Like a Virgin which included hit singles Material Girl and Like a Virgin.

Fast forward the rest of the 80s and 90s, and Madonna is a household name. Single after single, she’s become one of the most popular musical artists of all time. She’s sold more than 300 million records and is the number one female recording artist of all time. She also has the most number one singles of any female artist in several countries.

In the early 90s she released simultaneously her 5th studio album, Erotica as well as her erotic coffee table book titled Sex. The book shocked the media and a lot of the public. But people couldn’t get enough and she sold more than 1.5 million copies at $50 each in a matter of days.

And Madonna didn’t slow down in this century. She’s appeared in films and has continued to perform and release hit singles.

Happy Birthday Madonna!

β€œI am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.”
— Madonna
β€œI wouldn’t have turned out the way I was if I didn’t have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against.”
— Madonna
Madonna in the video of Vogue
β€œA lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.”
— Madonna
Young Madonna

Kylie Jenner in a colorful bikini

Kylie Jenner

According to Forbes, Kylie’s net worth was $1 Billion in 2019 - making her the world’s youngest self made billionaire at age 21. Yeah she’s kind of on another planet. Let’s break it down.

Kylie was originally best known for being Kim Kardashian’s little sister. She’d appear sometimes on Kim’s reality show Keeping up with the Kardashians. She was born August 10th, 1997 and by the age of 14 she was already getting involved in her own business deals. She collaborated with the surf style clothing brand PacSun to create her own line of clothing along with her sister named Kendall & Kylie

Later in 2015 she released her own cosmetic line called Kylie Lip Kits which became a sensation and launched her career as a big time business woman. Kylie Cosmetics as it’s now called is now a multi-Billion dollar enterprise.

Not only that but she has gorgeous looks and continues to be one of the most followed people on social media with over 260 Million followers on Instagram. WHAT?? 

Happy Birthday Kylie!

β€œLove is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.”
— Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner
β€œI take, like, 500 selfies to get one I like.”
— Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner
β€œThere’s a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you’re willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it’s never going to happen.”
— Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner covered in gold


Demi Lovato

Demi has sold over 24 million records in the US, received numerous awards, and appeared on TV and film. Born August 20th, her career started early on the TV show Barney and Friends from 2002 to 2004. A few years later in 2008 she appeared on the TV musical films Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2. She appeared as a judge on the second and third seasons of X-Factor. She’s also appeared on Will & Grace and Glee.

Her awards include an MTV Music Award, 14 Teen Choice Awards, 5 People’s Choice Awards, 2 Latin American Music Award and even 1 Guinness Book of World Record. She’s been busy!

We think she’s also super sexy and wish her a very happy birthday!

β€œIf I’m able to use my voice to do good in the world then I definitely want to do that.”
— Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato in sporty clothes
β€œSome of my fans have said that because I’ve been able to speak about my issues, that they’re not afraid to speak about theirs, which is an amazing feeling.”
— Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato in a sexy dress
β€œI think that women who know who they are are beautiful.”
— Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato in a sexy dress


Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And in the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of July. Sofia Vergara, Pamela Anderson, Ariel Meredith, Jessica Simpson and Phoebe Cates

July…what a beautiful sunny month. And as summer is in full swing it’s time to get together to celebrate five new birthday girls! This month we’re commemorating three great actresses, a talented singer and an elegant supermodel.

July…what a beautiful sunny month. And as summer is in full swing it’s time to get together to celebrate five new birthday girls! This month we’re commemorating three great actresses, a talented singer and an elegant supermodel.

Sofia Vergara

The Modern Family actress was born July 10th 1972 in Barranquilla, Colombia. Her career started in a very Hollywoody way…. She was discovered by a photographer while she was sunbathing on the beach. Her beauty brought her new jobs as a model and T.V. hostess. But her acting catapulted once she moved to the United States for the T.V. series Fuera de Serie (1995). After it she acted in Big Trouble (2002) and of course Modern Family (2009).

Despite loving her body and being proud of her 32 DDD boobs, Sofia Vergara is thinking about the future. She believes that aging with her breast size will probably bring her neck and back pain, and so for that reason she’s decided to have reductive breast surgery. We thank her for years of being able to gaze on her amazing figure and we wish her many more years of good health!

Sofia Vergara in a red carpet
β€œConfidence is sexy! I’m comfortable with my body and not afraid to show it off.”
— Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara in a white bikini
β€œWell, in Colombia everybody’s very voluptuous, and you’re supposed to be. You don’t want to be skinny when all of your cousins are mermaids. You grow up thinking that’s how beauty is.”
— Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara in modern family
β€œTo be a pretty girl, to be a voluptuous girl, has opened many doors for me. I would be ungrateful to say it’s all because of my brains and my talent. I have stayed working for 20-something years, so there must be something else behind the guns.”
— Sofia Vergara

Pamela Anderson

This Baywatch babe was born on July 1st 1967 in British Columbia, Canada. Her international fame began after being on the cover of Playboy in 1989. Soon after, she moved to Los Angeles to start her acting career. At the same time she bleached her brunette hair to become a blonde and she had breast augmentation surgery to have a 34D cup size. Her acting debut came with the sitcom Home Improvement (1991), a year after she was casted for the T.V. series Baywatch.

A couple of years after acting for the big screen and getting married to MΓΆtley Crue drummer Tommy Lee the couple recorded a home sex video while boating on a lake. The video was later stolen from their home and although they tried to stop the spread, the video became a viral sensation and the biggest celeb sex video scandal ever. Despite the lawsuits, the video coudnΒ΄t be deleted from the web.

Her breasts had gone for many surgeries, after her first breast augmentation on 1991 Anderson decided to remove her breast impants because her modeling career was on the downfall, but a year later she decided to get bigger implants. In 2005 she decided to make them bigger.

Pamela Anderson in a sexy leather dress
β€œMy breasts have a career. I’m just tagging along.”
— Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson in a white dress
β€œI think I’m in control of what I do and what I’ve done. I think that’s the ultimate feminine power. Do as you want.”
— Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson in a sexy dress
Eventually you just have to realize that you’re living for an audience of one. I’m not here for anyone else’s approval.”
— Pamela Anderson

Ariel Meredith

Our third birthday girl was born on July 11th 1986 in Shreveport, Louisiana. Her modeling career started at the age of 14 when she won a modeling contest in Dallas, Texas. The triumph made her sign with Campbell Modeling Agency and Ford Models Agency. In these years she appeared in Cosmopolitan, Teen Cosmopolitan and Seventeen magazines. In 2002 she became part of the MTV T.V. show Fashionably Loud. And as her modeling career was beginning, she was asked by a New York modeling agency to have a breast reduction surgery, she proudly said no and left.

She’s also known for appearing five times in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition in 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Ariel Meredith has walked for famous designers such as Vera Wang, Junya Watanabe, Dolce and Gabbana, Diesel, between others. She has also worked with internationak brands like Levi’s, Victoria’s Secret, Nine West, Gap, H & M, Cover Girl.

Ariel Meredith in a sexy bikini
β€œ I mean, if you have them, flaunt them.”
— Ariel Meredith
Ariel Meredith runway
β€œI’m not stereotyped into doing just fashion or just swimwear. I think I got on the lucky wagon and I’m able to be sexy, edgy and editorial at the same time.”
— Ariel Meredith
Ariel Meredith on Sports Illustrated
β€œHad I gone through with a breast reduction, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Some girls hear that, and then they go do it, but in my heart, I felt that just wasn’t right. I thought, β€œGod gave me this. What am I gonna take β€˜em away for?””
— Ariel Meredith

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson was born on July 10th 1980 in Abilene, Texas. She was 12 when she started her singing carreer in The Mickey Mouse Club where she ended as one of the finalists with Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. Her acting career stared with a recurring role in That 70s Show”, and later in 2003 she had her own reality T.V. show Nick & Jessica. As a singer she has recorded seven albums and as an actress she has appeared in movies like Employee of the Mionth (2006), The Dukes of Hazard (2005), The love Guru (2008).

On May 2020, she accused Vogue of body-shaming her β€œfor having boobs”. What made her upset was a comment made by former Vogue creative digital director Sally Singer, saying β€œShe was wearing Michael Kors and her breasts maybe fell out of her dress on the red carpet…”. Soon after she made the accusation Vogue offered her a public apology.

Jessica Simpson with brown hair
β€œAt school my boobs were bigger than all my friends’ and I was afraid to show them. Now, I feel they make my outfits look better. They’re like an accessory.”
— Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson in a sexy blue dress
I love to be comfortable, but I also love to play up the glamour.”
— Jessica Simpson
β€œI have amazing boobs. They’re just perfect.”
— Jessica Simpson

Phoebe Cates

This famous actres was born on July 16th 1963 in New York City. Her career started as a model, when she posed for Seventeen magazine. This catapulted her into the acting scene and is now known for her roles in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), Paradise (1982) and Gremlins (1984). Also in 1984 she was named one of America's 10 Most Beautiful Women.

In the 1980’s she was one of the most popular actress because of her beauty and spectacular body. She did one of the most unforgettable breast scenes in the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982). In this scene she slowly steps out of the pool, wet and with the sun on her skin she gently frees her boobs.

Phoebe Cates in a red bikini
β€œIn this business, if a girl wants a career, she has to be willing to strip. If you’ve got a good bod, then why not show it?”
— Phoebe Cates
Phoebe Cates
β€œModeling teaches you to be completely conscious of the camera. Acting is being totally unconscious of it.”
— Phoebe Cates
Phoebe Cates in a red bikini
β€œPeople follow proven formulas in any business.”
— Phoebe Cates

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Breastimonials Lai Breastimonials Lai

Breastimonial: When did my boobs get so big?

Do you remember that growing stage? You know…when your body started to grow and all of a sudden you had boobs! Or do you remember at what age you started wearing a real bra and you left the underwear t-shirts behind? Or maybe you were in middle school when you started wearing a bra?

Do you remember that growing stage? You know…when your body started to grow and all of a sudden you had boobs! Or do you remember at what age you started wearing a real bra and you left the underwear t-shirts behind? Or maybe you were in middle school when you started wearing a bra?

I donΒ΄t.

For me, it was like waking up one morning with the biggest boobies I had ever seen! Still being a girl, but with a woman’s body. The night before I was just a girl without boobs. Then the next morning I saw myself needing a bra. It felt weird, I even felt ashamed. I remembered asking my mom if it was possible to have a breast reduction surgery. At that time, I thought her answer was pretty odd and rude, but now I get it!

My mom said, β€œWhen you grow up, you can think about getting a breast reduction.”

Now that I’m grown up, I don’t want my boobs smaller. I’m happy and each day IΒ΄m becoming more and more proud for having big boobs.

Victoria Secret says I’m a 34DD but I still find it hard to accept it. When I have to look for bras or swim suits, secretly and quietly I go straight to the D sizes.

Maybe IΒ΄m not ashamed to be seen, I guess I’m just used to it by now. With my girlfriends and my family I was always the busty one. They genuinely are surprised when they see my gigantic bras and make jokes about my boob size.

β€œHa! Both of my boobs can fit in one of your cups!”

β€œOh, wow! My whole face fits in your cup!”

But thatΒ΄s me! IΒ΄m proud of my giant bra cups and my big, beautiful boobs. Always walking with breasts out first!

Lai at the beach

Do you have a Breastimonial you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Just send us an email at We’ll never publish anything without your permission.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of June. Emily Ratajkowski, Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie and Kate Upton

Let’s take a moment to read about these six beautiful, super talented, and boob inspiring women who were born on this month.

June is almost over! And just like that it’s now the middle of the year! Wow! It went by so fast, right? …but let’s take a moment to read about these six beautiful, super talented, and boob inspiring women who were born on this month.

Emily Ratajkowski

This birthday girl turns 30 this month. She was born in London on June 7th. Known for being an international model, Emily Ratajkoskwi is also an actress. But…do you remember the first time you saw her? She became famous in the summer of 2013, after appearing on Robin Thicke, Pharrael Wiliams and T.I. musical video β€œBlurred Lines”.

Her self empowerment and undeniable confidence has helped her become the model she is today. By having the freedom to choose who she wants to be! Emily is an international supermodel who loves her body and loves being so sexy! And we love her too!

Emily Ratajkowski red carpet
β€œI love my boobs. I love other people’s boobs. Boobs are kind of great.”
— Emily Ratajkowski
Emily Ratajkowski breasts pillow
That’s now what feminism is about. It’s freedom of choice. Do what you feel like!”
— Emily Ratajkowski
Emily Ratajkowski at a carpet
β€œBoobs are funny. They hurt sometimes, and sometimes they’re the thing that makes me feel the most powerful.”
— Emily Ratajkowski

Jane Russell

The iconic Jane Russell was born on June 21st in Minnesota. She was a star during the Golden Age of Hollywood when she filmed more than 15 movies. One of her most famous movies is β€œGentleman Prefer Blondes” where she acted alongside Marylin Monroe. Her first director, Howard Hughes, didn’t think the camera was showing off her breasts correctly for the film β€œThe Outlaw”, so he had a special bra made for her which essentially became the underwire bra.

Jane became one of the most important sex symbols of the Golden Age. She had a beautiful voluminous body with 38D boobs! She was known for her daring outfits, such as, tight-fitting tube tops and halter dresses.

Jane Russell swimming suit
β€œThey say there’s a thin man trying to get out of every fat man. Well, with me it’s always been the actress trying to get out of being a star.”
— Jane Russell
Jane Russell
β€œI’m afraid I am a born romantic. I never had any doubt that I could fulfill any man’s dream if I chose to. My mother had given me the key: tender, loving care.”
— Jane Russell
Jane Rusell in a beautiful dress
β€œPublicity can be terrible. But only if you don’tΒ have any.”
— Jane Russell

Marilyn Monroe

We all know her and admire her beauty and self empowerment! The beautiful Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles, California on the 1st of June. She is one of the most important feminine icons of the twentieth century.

She was interesting and captivating, from telling the whole world that she slept with a few drops of Chanel No. 5 on herself, to being an actress and a fashion icon at the same time. Some of her most memorable outfits were the halter white dress, the pink satin dress and the matching gloves she used for the movie β€œGentleman Prefer Blondes”, and the V dress she used to sing for Kennedy. Her sense of fashion compelled her to own more than 40 pairs of Ferragamo’s shoes, specially made to her size.

She also set fashion trends such as the polo white shirt with blue high waist jeans, the black midi dress, pencil skirts, the cat-eye sun glasses and the camel coats with belts.

Marylin Monroe in a red dress
β€œImperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
— Marilyn Monroe
Marylin Monroe in front of a car
β€œTo all the girls that think you’re ugly because you’re not a size 0, you’re the beautiful one. It’s society who’s ugly.”
— Marilyn Monroe
Beautiful Marylin Monroe laughing
β€œI don’t mind being burdened with being glamourous and sexual. Beauty and femininity are ageless and can’t be contrived, and glamour, although the manufacturers won’t like this, cannot be manufactured. Not real glamour; it’s based on femininity.”
— Marilyn Monroe

Heidi Klum

If you ever watched the reality TV show β€œProject Runaway” you sure remember her saying goodbye to the contestants with a lovely and elegant β€œAuf Wiedersehen!” This birthday supermodel was born on the 1st of June in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. She started her modeling career because of a friend’s recommendation. Little did she know she would become one of the Victoria’s Secret Angels, as well as the face of brands like Volkswagen, Astor, Coca-Cola Light, and the host of her own fashion reality TV show.

Besides proudly celebrating her 48th birthday this month, she showed the world that she still has the curves and the body she became famous for. With the soccer Eurocup going on, she went wild and posted on Instagram a revealing and really sexy photo. Wearing the Germany national team soccer jersey, but cut right below the chest, she did an unforgettable underboob! We are sure this photo will remain in the hearts of every soccer fan!

Heidi Klum soccer jersey
β€œI’m never uncomfortable being naked. I don’t have a problem with myΒ body.”
— Heidi Klum
β€œI feel like looking in the mirror when you brush your teeth, yes, I see lines, and then I smile and I see things here and there. But that’s just, you know, you - that’s your journey, you know?”
— Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum in a sexy dress
β€œI don’t want to be wondering about how skinny I am, wondering what I’m going to eat because I don’t want to gain and I want to look hot and young, always and forever.”
— Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum in a sexy red bikini

Angelina Jolie

This elegant actress was born on June 4th in Los Angeles, California. She is the winner of two Academy Awards, one for best supporting actress in the movie β€œGirl Interrupted” and other for her special humanitarian contributions. She has also won three Golden Globes and two SAG awards, and many others.

She is an empowered activist for women’s rights as well as conservation and education. As a Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), she has dedicated herself to help refugees across the globe.

Angelina Jolie laying on a bed
β€œAll women do have a different sense of sexuality, or sense of fun, or sense of what’s sexy or cool or tough.”
— Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie in a sexy bikini
β€œWhen other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire.”
— Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie in a shiny tight dress
β€œI’m with a man who’s evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful because of the journey it has taken.”
— Angelina Jolie

Kate Upton

Kate Upton was born on June 10th in St. Joseph, Michigan. She reached a major modeling milestone after being on the cover of β€œSports Illustrated”. She had her acting debut in the movie β€œTower Heist”. She has had the opportunity to act alongside actors like Ben Stiller and Cameron DΓ­az. And besides being in β€œSports Illustrated”, she’s also been on the cover of Vanity Fair and Vogue.

Her voluminous boobs have been the reason of press misunderstandings. A few years ago she was quoted saying that she would have preferred having smaller boobs, when the truth is that she is grateful for her body. She loves her boobs and she is proud of them! As we all should!

Sexy Kate Upton
β€œTo me, what’s sexy is when you look like you’re having a good time. That, and when you look effortless and have messy hair.”
— Kate Upton
Kate Upton in a sexy bra
β€œSo if I get pegged as a bikini girl, that’s fine, and that can still translate into acting or other areas. But, no, I don’t wanna be doing bikini shoots my whole life.”
— Kate Upton
Kate Upton laying
β€œI can’t change my bra size. They’re natural! I can work out and I can stay healthy and motivated, but I can’t change some things. I really just live my life. I love my body. It’s what God gave me! I feel confident with myself, and if that inspires other women to feel confident with their bodies, great.”
— Kate Upton
Kate Upton in a sexy bikini

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of May. Christina Hendricks, Megan Fox, Lindsey Pelas, Rosario Dawson and Naomi Campbell

It’s May! And we can feel the summer heat getting closer and stronger! To make the wait more exciting we’re celebrating the birthdays of five curvy ladies! Famous actresses, a supermodel and a young influencer are gifting us all with their beautiful breasts this month!

It’s May! And we can feel the summer heat getting closer and stronger! To make the wait more exciting we’re celebrating the birthdays of five curvy ladies! Famous actresses, a supermodel and a young influencer are gifting us all with their beautiful breasts this month!

Christina Hendricks

Our first birthday girl was born on May 3rd, 1975 in Knoxville, Tennessee. She started acting and modeling when she was just 18! Her Mad Men role β€œJoan P. Holloway Harrisβ€œ brought her international fame and several Emmy nominations as well as SAG awards.

Her voluminous and beautiful breasts are so amazing that people kept questioning if they were real or fake. Although they are 100% naturally grown, it’s not strange to think otherwise; according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons "breast augmentation surgery” has increase around 39% since 2000.

β€œIt’s so bizarre that people are constantly asking if my breasts are real or fake, they’re so obviously real that anyone who’s ever seen or touched a breast would know.
— Christina Hendricks
christina hendricks 1.jpg
β€œSexiness is about being an individual and having conviction about what that is.”
— Christina Hendricks
Kate designed a champagne coupe modeled after her left breast
β€œAnytime someone talks about your figure constantly, you get nervous; you get really self-conscious.”
— Christina Hendricks

Megan Fox

The beautiful Megan Fox was born on May 16th, 1985 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. At the age of 16 she had her first movie acting role alongside the Olsen twins in Holiday In The Sun in 2001.

Her boobs have also had people questioning if they’re real or fake. Although she’s never said anything about them publicly…she did so in the best way possible. Playing Desi in the movie This is 40, during a famous scene with actress Leslie Mann she’s asked if her breasts are real. Proudly, Desi (Megan Fox) answers: β€œYeah, do you wanna touch them?” And after the boob touching, Leslie Mann compares her breasts to a memory foam mattress; soft and natural just like our Booby Pillows!

young Megan Fox
β€œI think all women in Hollywood are known as sex symbols. That’s what our purpose is in this business. You’re merchandised, you’re a product. You’re sold and it’s based on sex. But that’s okay. I think women should be empowered by that, not degraded.
— Megan Fox
β€œI don’t need someone else’s power. I’m obtaining my own.
— Megan Fox
Megan Fox in a sexy black dress
β€œ I’m not a type of feminist who is afraid to be sexy.
— Megan Fox

Lindsey Pelas

The worldwide influencer Lindsey Pelas was born on May 19, 1991, in Loranger, Louisiana. Her modeling career started in 2013 posing for different adult magazines and websites. In May of 2014, she was the Playboy Cyber Girl of the month. She’s since become super famous as a social media influencer with more than 10 million followers.

Not without its costs though. Having a 30HH cup size and carrying 11 pounds on each boob means that she’s lived with constant back pain. Despite that, she says she’ll never have a breast reduction surgery. She feels too proud of her boobs to ever consider changing them.... As she should!

Lindsey Pelas red carpet look

β€œAnyone with boobs like mine who had a reduction would be crazy. They’re dream boobs; I’d never give them up.
— Lindsey Pelas
lindsey pelas1.jpg
β€œI think I feel more pressure to dress cool. I’m not the cover up type. I’m proud to have an interesting figure. I’m really sassy and I don’t care what people think. Sometimes if it’s too much, I think it’s hilarious. As long as I feel cool I think its okay.”
— Lindsey Pelas
Lindsey Pelas red carpet
β€œWomen should be allowed to do whatever they want, especially when it comes to their own bodies.
— Lindsey Pelas

Rosario Dawson

This amazing actress was born on May 9, 1979 in New York City. Her first film role was in 1995 when she was 16 years old, playing a sexually active adolescent in the movie Kids. After that, in the late 90s she acted in independent films, and then hit it big in roles like Light It Up, Spike Lee's 25th Hour, Shattered Glass, and Unstoppable.

One of her biggest acting challenges was when she worked with director Danny Boyle on the thriller movie Trance. She portrayed a complex character, a strong and alluring hypnotherapist hired to help recover an amnesiac thief’s lost memories. In this film, she did a very powerful sex scene. Her way of seeing nudity as what’s under everyone’s clothes and calculating every part of that scene helped her make it such a powerful scene.

rosario dawson.jpeg
β€œI always thought my jaw line was manly. I have this pockmark on my chin from when I was 9. I used to get freaked out about it because people thought it was a pimple. But those are the things I’ve become really comfortable with as I’ve gotten older. My scars.
— Rosario Dawson
rosario dawnson 3.jpg
β€œIt’s extremely important for women to be writing their own stories and giving them to people to really be emotionally impacted by.
— Rosario Dawson
Rosario Dawson in a premier
β€œYou only live once. You don’t want your tombstone to read: β€˜Played it Safe.’
— Rosario Dawson

Naomi Campbell

The supermodel Naomi Campbell was born on May 22th, 1979 in Streatham, London. She was the first black female model on the cover of French Vogue, British Vogue, and Time Magazine. Besides her modeling career, she is a producer, actress, singer and businesswoman.

Her stunning and world famous walking has influenced many models including Gigi Hadid who learnt from her. But even having her as a mentor can’t replicate her unique, calm and stylish poise. She has modeled for the most important designers like Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Victoria Secret, Channel and Valentino. For this last designer, for his Pre-Fall 2019 accessories campaign, she did a photo shoot completely naked down in New York’s subways. She sat on the train with only a bag to cover herself - just the essential to show the world how this space can be beautiful too.

naomi campbell.jpeg
β€œI don’t think I was born beautiful. I just think I was born me.
— Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell runway
β€œAm I bossy? Absolutely. I don’t like to lose, and if I’m told β€˜no,’ then I find another way to get my β€˜yes.’ But I’m a loyal person.
— Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell in a minibikini
β€œI make a lot of money and I’m worth every cent.”
— Naomi Campbell

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of April. Gigi Hadid, Betty Page, Jayne Mansfield and Carmen Electra

Happy Easter! This month is all about spring and hot swimsuits. This April we are bringing you some fresh and beautiful boobs! We’re excited to share the birthdays of a supermodel, pin-up girl, and two curvy actresses.

Happy Easter! This month is all about spring and hot swimsuits. This April we are bringing you some fresh and beautiful boobs! We’re excited to share the birthdays of a supermodel, pin-up girl, and two curvy actresses.

Gigi Hadid

Our first birthday girl is one of the highest paid models in the world! She is known for appearing on the reality TV show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Gigi Hadid was born on the 23rd of April of 1995 in Los Angeles, California.

Gigi has walked for top designers such as Versace, Chanel, and more...and after two failed auditions she made it into the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

She has shown us that being proud of your boobs can also be done on a catwalk. According to a bunch of websites, she had a β€œMAJOR” wardrobe incident walking in the Versace show at the 2016 edition of the Milan Fashion Week. For us, it was just a boobtiful incident, as she bared her right breast and walked strong down the catwalk. A year later, Gigi Hadid walked down the Fendi show, exposing her bare boobs while wearing a sheer floral dress

Gigi Hadid on a runway with sexy see through dresses
β€œIf I didnΒ΄t have the body I do, I wouldnΒ΄t have the career I do. I love I can be sexy.IΒ΄m proud of it.”
— Gigi Hadid
β€œIf you don’t like it, don’t follow me, don’t watch me, cause I’m not going anywhere.”
— Gigi Hadid
Kate designed a champagne coupe modeled after her left breast
β€œForce it into your brain. You’re a badass and you deserve to be here.”
— Gigi Hadid

Betty Page

Known as the β€œQueen of Pin-Ups” and one of earliest Playboy models, Bettie Page was born on April 22, 1923 in Nashville, Tennessee. During 1950 Bettie PageΒ΄s was one of the first pin-up models. Thanks to her amazing sensuality, voluminous body and disinhibited personality, she soon became a cultural icon. Her modeling career went from pin-up photo shoots to being one of the first women photographed with S&M and bondage.

She appeared on the cover of several men's magazines, including Wink, Titter, Eyefull, and the January 1955 issue of Playboy magazine. Years later, Betty's inspired biographies, fan clubs, comic books and websites, etc. Now there are Bettie Page shot glasses, playing cards, magents, and a film about her life called β€œThe Notorious Bettie Page.”

Collection of Betty Page Movie Posters
β€œI was never the girl next door.”
— Bettie Page
β€œBeing in the nude isn’t a disgrace unless you’re being promiscuous about it. After all, when God created Adam and Eve, they were stark naked. And in the Garden of Eden, God was probably naked as a jaybird too!”
— Bettie Page
β€œI never kept up with the fashions. I believed in wearing what I thought looked good on me.”
— Bettie Page

Jayne Mansfield

The 1950s-60s actress was born on April 19, 1933 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Although she was a great actress she was better known for her stunning curves and beauty. Her curves were so sexy, a General Electric commercial with women lounging around a pool in swimsuits but they had to cut her from the image because her breasts were too big and sexy for the times...

After struggling in the acting career by having the typical blonde stereotype characters, her boobs accidentally launched her to fame. Jayne attended a media gathering for a film where she had a wardrobe malfunction that ended with her losing her top in the pool. When she dove into the poolβ€”in front of an entire line of photographers, natchβ€”her top predictably blew off as she hit the water, and the flashes went a-flickering. Then again, Mansfield obviously knew exactly what she was doing…Later, she signed contracts and received leading roles in movies like Kiss Them For Me, The Wayward Bus, and the Broadway production Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter.

Jayne was also known for her all-color pink, as in wearing pink, driving a pink car and living in the β€œpink palace”.


β€œA 41-inch bust and a lot of perseverance will get you more than a cup of coffee - a lot more.”
— Jayne Mansfield
β€œThe real stars are not good actors or actresses.”
— Jayne Mansfield
Art by Larreks on Deviantart
β€œI don’t really think I am the most beautiful woman in the world at all. If I can create some illusion to that effect - and it seems I have - then that is what spells success to me.”
— Jayne Mansfield

Carmen Electra

This Baywatch babe was born on April 20th in Sharonville, Ohio. You name it, she has done it! Known for being an actress, model, singer, producer and dancer. Carmen Electra (a.k.a.Tara Leigh Patrick) was a sex symbol and pop culture icon. Her first time being Playboy’s Playmate was in 1996. Later, she appeared on the cover of the Playboy magazine for another three times showing her perfect breasts and curves.

Before shocking everyone with her stunning body in the red swimsuit of Baywatch TV series, Carmen's singing and modeling career was already hot! With Prince as her producer, she released her first self-titled album, and was the hostess of MTV's game show Singled Out. But her most claim to fame was her nine day marriage to NBA Basketball player Dennis Rodman. Rodman filed for annulment, claiming he was of "unsound mind" when the pair wed in Las Vegas. Electra explained, "It's easy to get caught up in a moment. You think it's romantic, but then you realize, God, we did it in Vegas? It's like getting a cheeseburger at a fast-food restaurant." We get it Carmen!

β€œOther people’s perspective, just seeing the sexy image, might be that I take my sexuality very seriously. But I really don’t. I like being sexy. It’s fun, and I have had a nice little career off it.”
— Carmen Electra
β€œI’ve chosen jobs that were sexy because I wanted to do them.”
— Carmen Electra
β€œI think it’s sexy when someone makes a statement that says, β€˜This is who I am. This is what I think is sexy.”
— Carmen Electra

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of March. Wonder Woman, Elle Macpherson, Kat Von D and Mariah Carey

Happy March! It’s time to celebrate some beautiful birthday boobs! This month we’re excited to share the birthdays of a superheroine, super model, tattoo artist and diva!

Happy March! It’s time to celebrate some beautiful birthday boobs! This month we’re excited to share the birthdays of a superheroine, super model, tattoo artist and diva!

Wonder Woman

Our first lady of wonder is a superheroine appearing as a member of the Justice League. She’s also a character in American comic books and a movie star. According to DC Comics, March 22 is Wonder Woman’s birthday. It’s said she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and brought to life by Zeus. This made her an Amazon woman with superhuman powers.

Back in the 1950’s, Wonder Woman represented the β€œpin-up girls” of the era. These pin-up girls were drawings of women modestly representing sexuality and femininity in calendars and posters. Today, Wonder Woman has evolved to represent strength, feminism and sex all in one.

Although you can’t help but wonder where Wonder Woman really came from…there is this ongoing curiousity of the idea she was created by a male feminist who loved bondage and matriarchy…

Either way we love Wonder Woman…and we’re thankful for everything she has given us…from her action movies to her Halloween costumes that make ladies busty and beautiful.

Wonder Woman through time
β€œWomen seem like sissies because you don’t know their true strength.”
— Wonder Woman
Gal gadot in wonder woman
β€œBonds of love never make the wearer weaker β€” they give him greater strength!”
— Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman scene
β€œA strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. ... A strong woman loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, and perseveres… no matter what life (throws) at her.”
— Wonder Woman

Elle Macpherson

Before Playboy and Esquire were widely accessible, Sports Illustrated was the go to magazine to see sexy women’s breasts. If you grew up in the 80’s this legendary Sports Illustrated model probably comes to mind. Elle Macpherson is an Australian model who first appeared in the magazine in 1985 and made many appearances on the cover. Her nickname is β€œThe Body” which turned pages and heads for years.

β€œThe Body” isn't just a model. She is also a businesswoman, television host and actress. In honor of Elle’s birthday on March 29th, we share some of her most memorable swimsuit photos. Happy Birthday Elle!

Elle Macpherson swimsuit
β€œI come from a country where you don’t wear clothes most of the year. Nudity is the most natural state.”
— Elle Macpherson
Elle Macpherson no clothes
β€œI don’t have a problem with nudity. I never have. I was born naked. I’d like to (be) buried naked. It’s a way of life in Australia.”
— Elle Macpherson
β€œMy favorite body part is my heart. Nothing beats loving and being loved.”
— Elle Macpherson

Kat Von D

Katherine Von Drachenberg (a.k.a Kat Von D) is an American tattoo artist. She is best known for her appearance on the TLC reality television shows LA Ink and Miami Ink. Later, Kat Von D turned her television fame into a successful business and author. She founded Kat Von D Beauty and High Voltage Tattoos which designs and creates portrait tattoos.

Kat Von D has dozens of tattoos herself, which include portraits and names of loved ones.. Her sexy body is painted with tattoos of band emblems like ZZ Top, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, etc. She also said that while she used to give herself tattoos, she later began collecting body art from artists around the world. According to TatRing, some of her body art pieces include Beethoven, portraits of her sister and mom, flowers, and her exes. Her most notorious tattoo is the string of stars around her left eye. But only Kat Von D and her lovers know the truth about where all of her tattoos lay…

Happy Birthday Kat Von D! We would love to blow out some tattoo candles on that painted body of yours!


β€œI am a canvas of my experiences, my story is etched in lines and shading, and you can read it on my arms, my legs, my shoulders, and my stomach.”
— Kat Von D
β€œLike everyone else, I was born naked and screaming, waiting for my life to write itself on my skin.”
— Kat Von D
Kat Von D
β€œPersonally, I like to start my day off as a Saint and graduate to my Sinner self!”
— Kat Von D

Mariah Carey

Our next birthday girl has definitely earned the reputation of the ultimate diva! Mariah Carey’s birthday is on March 27th. It is reported she doesn’t celebrate birthdays these days. Instead, only anniversaries of her 12th birthday, stating ”Darling, I'm eternally 12-years-old."

Mariah Carey is an American singer-songwriter, record producer, and actress. Mariah is the first artist in history to have their first five singles reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 with five grammy wins and over 33 nominations.

One of her most memorable moments was when she got into her full tub while wearing a towel on MTVs ”Cribs." Mariah shared her gorgeous New York apartment with a chaise lounge in the middle of her kitchen, a butterfly-themed guest room, and an entertainment room called The Mermaid Room….. But the best moment was the bathroom tour, where she put on a towel and climbed into a full bathtub. Happy Birthday Mariah!

Mariah Carey in a bathtub
β€œThis is for all of you out there tonight, reaching for a dream - don’t ever give up! Never ever listen to anyone, when they try to discourage you, because they do that, believe me!”
— Mariah Carey
β€œTrue divas could not live without smart remarks every now and then, a good sip of water.”
— Mariah Carey
β€œSee, I’m looking for a man that’ll rub me slow, make me sing real high when he goes down low.”
— Mariah Carey

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of February. Rihanna, Shakira, Hannah Stocking and Lara Croft

Happy Valentines Day Month! We hope you found a special someone or special pillow to squeeze this month. Afterall, love is what keeps the world turning round and round. Speaking of love! We love this month’s boob birthdays. From a hot and sexy singers to a social media influencer to the main protagonist of a Mega video game franchise. We are so excited to share our birthday discoveries with you!

Happy Valentines Day Month! We hope you found a special someone or special pillow to squeeze this month. Afterall, love is what keeps the world turning round and round. Speaking of love! We love this month’s boob birthdays. From a hot and sexy singers to a social media influencer to the main protagonist of a Mega video game franchise. We are so excited to share our birthday discoveries with you!


Our first birthday girl is known for being an unapologetic singer, actress and businesswoman. She is the one and the only Rihanna, born February 20th in Bridgetown, Barbados. She was discovered by an American record producer who invited her to the United States to record a demo tape. Well as the story goes she was so good…she never left.

Not only are Rihanna’s breasts hot, but her attitude makes her rockin’ hot. She made everyone’s head spin when she wore a sheer, Swarovski crystal covered gown to the CFDA Fashion Awards. When she rolled up on the red carpet with sexuality and confidence, she shocked one reporter who questioned her look. Her response was… β€œDo my tits bother you? They’re covered in Swarovski crystals girl.” Oh how we love Rihanna!

Rihanna’s love life has also made headlines from dating singers, MLB players, actors, race car drivers and billionaire businessmen. She definitely likes her bad boys too! But when asked about what kind of guy she likes she says…”I'm turned on by guys who are cultured. That'll keep me intrigued. They don't have to have a single degree, but they should speak other languages or know things about other parts of the world or history or certain artists or musicians. I like to be taught. I like to sit on that side of the table.”

Rihanna in a see-through dress
β€œPeople will stare, make it worth their while.”
— Rihanna
The iconic photo shoot that changed a lot for Kate
β€œMy fans like my flaws and imperfections, and that I’m rebellious.”
— Rihanna
Kate designed a champagne coupe modeled after her left breast
β€œI stand up for what I believe in, and a lot of the time that can be against people’s opinions.”
— Rihanna


”Shakira” is Arabic for β€œgrateful,” and we are so grateful for her. Her music makes us dance and watching her dance move makes us want more. She is the most successful Colombian musician of all time, selling more albums than anyone else in her country. She’s sold more than 140 million albums worldwide and received Grammy Awards.

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll is her full name. She was born on February 2nd in Barranquilla, Colombia. Shakira is a beautiful mix of Lebanese, Colombian, and Italian.

In 2010, Shakira’s song β€œWaka Waka” was chosen as the theme of the FIFA World Cup. It was there that she met her future husband Gerard. Talk about romantic….while they were filming the β€œWaka Waka” music video together, Gerard told Shakira, β€œI’m going to win the World Cup just so I can see you again at Finals.” And he did! But during the 2014 World Cup, the couple were banned from having sex, because it’s considered a distraction for the athletes. Talk about sexual tension!!!

Shakira is definitely not afraid of commitments. In 2008, she signed a 10-year contract with Live Nation promising to perform concerts exclusively with them. They gave her $30 million in exchange.

β€œI’m a multi-faceted woman and person, like all women are - there’s no black and white. We have shades of grey in the middle. And even many more colours that other people don’t see!”
— Shakira
β€œIf I can contribute to people having fun, I would feel very fulfilled as an artist.”
— Shakira
β€œI do take advantage of, you know, feeling sensual and feeling sexy. And I think that is tremendously empowering and is not diminishing in any way. I fell that any woman who is in control, who is in touch with her femininity and sensuality, is a woman that is empowered.”
— Shakira

Hannah Stocking

Next birthday girl is an internet sensation! Hannah Stocking Siagkris is an American internet personality and model. Hannah has 7.8 million subscribers on YouTube, 18.8 million followers on Instagram and 22 million followers on TikTok. Hannah Stocking is the host of Mindie, a YouTube Music talk show.

Hannah was born on Feb 4th. She made our birthday celebrations because of her busty pictures. Hannah started her career as a model. She became famous with her first ever Vine video itself. This video was titled β€˜How Girls react to guys vs How guys react to girls,’ and it landed her a size-able fan following. This single video went viral online. Emboldened by the unbelievable response to the video, she started regularly posting videos on Vine and it made her more famous online.

Hannah Stocking.jpg

Hannah is not only a hottie but also a smarty. She graduated college with a degree in Biology and Chemistry. She also insists that girls can be beautiful and clever. She proved her haters wrong when she uploaded one of her school papers on instagram, where her teacher wrote β€œOne of the best!”

Happy Birthday, Hannah! You are smart and beautiful!


Lara Croft

Yes! She’s a hot digital girl with a smokin’ hot bod. β€œBorn” on V-day 1992, Lara is the ultimate Tomb Raider. As one of the first female-led heroines in video gaming, Lara was the star of her own series. She became an influential character in video gaming history and a pop culture icon. She has survived car crashes, shipwrecks, plane crashes and just about every gunfight that you can imagine. It is best to get out of her way because she is unstoppable.

Lara Croft forged her own path in the industry and transformed our idea of women in gaming. The iconic Lara Croft created popular spin-off movies with Angelina Jolie and Alicia Vikander changing female character gaming forever and we are forever grateful.

Lara Croft evoution

Art by Larreks on Deviantart

β€œThe fate of humanity is now in your hands.”
— Lara Croft
Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in 2001 Tomb Raider Movie

Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in 2001 Tomb Raider Movie

Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft in 2018 Tomb Raider Movie

Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft in 2018 Tomb Raider Movie


Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of January. Kate Moss, Dolly Parton and Heather Graham

Happy New Year! We hope your new year has started off big…or (at least) with pair of our big boobs. We wish you a very happy January full of fun, laugher and lots of boobs! This month we’ve got some beautiful breasts for you. These women are abundant and beautiful. We wish them all a happy birthday in this month’s brand new issue.

Happy New Year! We hope your new year has started off big…or (at least) with pair of our big boobs. We wish you a very happy January full of fun, laugher and lots of boobs! This month we’ve got some beautiful breasts for you. These women are abundant and beautiful. We wish them all a happy birthday in this month’s brand new issue.

Kate Moss

Our first boob celebration is Kate Moss. Kate is an English model born on January 16th in London, England. She is known for her banging body and gravity defying boobs. Kate arrived during the "supermodel era" and rose to fame in the mid 1990s with her controversial Calvin Klein ad with Marky Mark (a.k.a. Mark Wahlberg) making her a fashion icon. Kate has fronted campaigns for almost every luxury brand, including Chanel, Dior and Burberry.

Kate embodied the rock-n-roll, party lifestyle. She was known for being a reckless rebel. She has dated actors, musicians, businessmen, and most recent a 33 year old Photographer named Count Nikolai von Bismarck.

On Kate’s 40th birthday, Kate collaborated with sculptor Jane McAdam Freud and her favorite UK restaurant, 34, to create a champagne coupe the exact shape of her left breast. Talk about an amazing birthday!!

Kate Moss photoshoot
β€œWhat people say isn’t going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.”
— Kate Moss
Kate and Mark for Calvin Klein

The iconic photo shoot that changed a lot for Kate

β€œI have a dress-up chest at home. I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.”
— Kate Moss
Kate designed a champagne coupe modeled after her left breast

Kate designed a champagne coupe modeled after her left breast

β€œAwesome things happen when you choose to stop being a miserable cow.”
— Kate Moss

Dolly Parton

Our next lovely lady is so much fun, she has a theme park named after her! Dolly Parton of Dollywood park is an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian, known primarily for her work in country music, but also for her boobs.

Dolly was born on January 19, 1946. She has made over 40 country albums and won nine Grammy Awards and known for her 40DD breasts.

 And at 74, the iconic country singer certainly stands the test of time. When it comes to plastic surgery, Dolly has tried about everything! Breast implants, nose job, eyebrow lift, liposuction, botox, etc. You name it, she has done it. And she doesn’t care who knows.

The star sleeps with full make-up in an emergency and has increased her cup size to a stunning 40DD with the help of her surgeon, Dr John Grossman.

She insured her breasts for $300k each and nicknamed them β€˜West Virginia and East Virginia’.

Dolly Parton breasts
β€œI look at myself like a show dog. I have to keep it cut, trimmed and in good condition.”
— Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton old picture
β€œI always wanted to be pretty, and I always wanted to be a star, whatever that meant. I wanted to shine; so I created my own look to build my confidence, because very few people are born beautiful, with natural beauty, and I certainly am not one.”
— Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton
β€œI did whatever I needed to build my confidence, and when people don’t believe I had plastic surgery, I say β€œYeah, I don’t look old but I have aged my plastic surgeons.”
— Dolly Parton
dolly parton playboy.jpeg
β€œBut I do it because it makes me feel better about myself. I always say I am a workhorse that looks like a show horse. So yeah, I work every day to build my confidence.”
— Dolly Parton

Heather Graham

Next birthday girl is our favorite Boogie Nights and Austin Power star. Heather Graham was born on January 29th. Heather is an American actress, director and writer.

She is known for portraying characters with sex appeal, but deep down she sees herself as a big nerd. Growing up she was raised in a conservative Catholic family. Her parents wanted her to be a nun, but in an Interview with The Daily Star she said β€œI’d have made a terrible nun.”

β€œI’m a good Catholic girl in the way Madonna is in the sense that I’m not that good at all…”
— Heather Graham

Heather gained critical praise for her jaw dropping nude scene in the film Boogie Nights. Boogie Nights is forever mentally associated with her perky and perfect breasts…or at least it is in our minds. 

She also co-starred in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. For those Austin Powers lovers I’m sure you remember Heather as Felicity Shagwell β€œI am Felicity Shagwell, CIA. Shagwell by name, shag very well by reputation.” - Felicity Shagwell.

Happy Birthday, Heather!

Heather Graham dancing sexy without clothes

Heather in her famous scene from Boogie Nights. Just wow!

β€œThere’s always a side of me that goes, β€˜I’m just a nerd.’ I never look at myself and say, β€˜I’m beautiful.’ Like anyone else, I see the flaws. Guys don’t do that as much as women. But you have to learn to appreciate and accept and love yourself as you are.”
— Heather Graham
β€œI always wanted to be the pretty girl, but I thought I wasn’t. When I started acting and getting pretty girl roles, I felt like I was just pretending, and nobody saw I was just this big nerd.”
— Heather Graham
Heather Graham sexy dress
β€œThe world is not always ours to understand.”
— Heather Graham

Happy Birthday to these beautiful women! See you next month. And In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows Celebrity Birthdays Booby Pillows

Celebrity Birthdays of December. Nicki Minaj, Ava Gardner, Teri Hatcher and Tyra Banks

First things first: Merry Christmas Month! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas that’s totally fine. We wish you a very happy December full of joy, health, prosperity and lots of boobs! This month we’ve got some A-class breasts for you. These ladies are just gorgeous and we’re so excited to wish them all a happy birthday month as we celebrate their beauty in this month’s brand new issue.

First things first: Merry Christmas Month! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas that’s totally fine. We wish you a very happy December full of joy, health, prosperity and lots of boobs! This month we’ve got some A-class breasts for you. These ladies are just gorgeous and we’re so excited to wish them all a happy birthday month as we celebrate their beauty in this month’s brand new issue.

Nicki Minaj

Born December 8th, 1982, Nicki is an icon. There just had never been anyone on the scene like her until she came along. Sure she’s controversial and maybe a bit eccentric. But when you take a moment to witness her lady-ness in all its glory there’s nothing you can do except take a step back and just let this lady do her thing. Happy Birthday, Nicki!

I have no idea if this is a real photo or some new Snapchat filter but I’m a big fan.

I have no idea if this is a real photo or some new Snapchat filter but I’m a big fan.

β€œBeauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty.”
— Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj nip slip

Again, I don’t fully get it but wow, just wow and yes please.

β€œPlease, you can never compare to me. I am who they couldn’t even dare to be.”
— Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj in music video with wet boobs

I give up, not for lack of hope, but because I have fully surrendered

β€œYou should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. It’s exhilarating.”
— Nicki Minaj

Ava Gardner

Born December 24th 1922, Ava Gardner is a Hollywood dame like none other. Ava was the daughter of a poor tobacco farmer and had grown up as a bit of a tomboy. And while she’d given no thought to acting until age 18, talent scouts spotted portraits of her in the window of her brother-in-law’s New York City photography studio. She was given a screen test, during which her lack of refinement and thick drawl made MGM studio chief say, β€œShe can’t act. She can’t talk. She’s terrific. Sign her.” Her talent grew from there as she went on to star in many Hollywood films. Many feel The Barefoot Contessa, in which she co-starred with Humphrey Bogart, to be the definitive Gardner film, in that the rags-to-riches story roughly parallels Gardner’s own life. Happy Birthday, Ava!

Eva Gardner in a polkadots bikini
β€œDeep down, I’m pretty superficial”
— Ava Gardner
Ava Gardner 2.jpg
β€œSex isn’t all that important, but it is when you love someone very much.”
— Ava Gardner
Ok, maybe not the best boob picture but just look at those lips and those eyes…

Ok, maybe not the best boob picture but just look at those lips and those eyes…

β€œHell, I suppose if you stick around long enough they have to say something nice about you.”
— Ava Gardner

Teri Hatcher

Fast forward to December 8th, 1964 in Palo Alto, California. Teri was the only child of some big brain parents. Her mother was a computer programmer who worked for Lockheed Martin and her father a nuclear physicist and electrical engineer. Teri has been in countless films and TV shows including her hit role in Desperate Housewives from 2004 to 2012. She’s funny, sexy, smart and we just love love love her looks. Happy Birthday, Teri!

Teri Hatcher lingerie
β€œBeauty is a combination of qualities. I don’t think one can deny that certain people or things feel aesthetically pleasing. But without an equally pleasing being behind that form, there is no beauty there”
— Teri Hatcher
Teri Hatcher in a purple dress
β€œMy advice, Be healthy, reach your own goals and don’t be afraid to impersonate a SNL star.”
— Teri Hatcher
Teri Hatcher in a babydoll
β€œI think I’m a kind of a person who works hard at whatever I do, literally from being a waitress to being on television. I always try to give 110 percent to whatever it is I’m doing.”
— Teri Hatcher

Tyra Banks

For our final lovely lady of the month we have the one and only Tyra Banks. Born December 4th 1973 in Inglewood California, Tyra has gone from Supermodel to TV Star. As a sexy Victoria’s Secret Model she left guys and girls speechless with her looks. And her role as judge on America’s Next Top Model (2003-2015) put her in the driver’s seat to put her experience on stage. Tyra is one of those classic beauties that leave you speechless. Plus those boobs! Happy Birthday, Tyra!

Tyra Banks bikini collection
β€œSelf-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.”
— Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks in bikini
β€œOnce you plant seeds of success, your tree will bear fierce fruit.”
— Tyra Banks
Tyra in bikinis
β€œNever dull your shine for somebody else.”
— Tyra Banks

We hope you enjoyed our December 2020 issue! Stay tuned for next month and In the meantime, visit our store and shop our collection.

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